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Experienced and Trusted Bicycle Accident Law Firm

Bicycle Accident Attorneys in San Diego

Were You Hurt on Your Bicycle by a Negligent Motorist in San Diego?

On average, more than 50,000 bicyclists are injured in auto accidents each year in the United States, and more than 600 bicyclists annually lose their lives because of negligent drivers.

If you or your loved one sustained degloving injuries, crush injuries, or other serious injuries in a San Diego bicycle accident, your recovery and future may depend upon recovering fair compensation for the damages you have suffered. Damages that compose the total settlement or award amount for a bicycle accident claim include: lost income due to missed work, hospital bills, expenses for rehabilitation and ongoing medical services, pain and suffering and other costs related to your accident.

Eugene Bruno is a San Diego car accident attorney with more than 30 years of accomplishments on his record, and fiercely protects his clients against big insurance companies who seek to devalue victims’ claims. As an empathetic representative for victims of negligence, Mr. Bruno is fully dedicated to each client and his or her future.

Get Help with Your San Diego Bicycle Accident Claim

Being an injury lawyer is about more than just obtaining compensation on his clients’ behalf, however. It is about serving as a guide through the tumultuous waters of a personal injury claim. With medical bills threatening to sink you and insurance adjusters feverishly working to deny you just compensation, being a victim is akin to being on a sinking ship surrounded by sharks. Mr. Bruno is your life raft, complete with protection from the “sharks” and the goal of seeing you comfortably above water by the end of your case.

Standing up to insurance companies is both taxing and rarely successful without an experienced bicycle accident injury lawyer on your side. While you concentrate your energy on your health, allow Mr. Bruno to concentrate his energy on your case. He will work diligently to protect your rights and ensure that you have the compensation you need to cover the costs of the accident.

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