Home Blog Car Accident Halloween is a Scary Night on the Road

Halloween is a Scary Night on the Road

By Aline Miranda on October 28, 2014

Halloween is a night full of fun for trick-or-treaters. Keep an eye out for little ones in costume and pay extra attention to pedestrians, as they may be unaware of their surroundings or have difficulty seeing through costumes and masks. Trick-or-treaters – especially small children – can seem to appear out of nowhere; drive extra cautiously.

Adults join in on celebrating this spooky holiday too and many plan to celebrate by drinking. If you plan on drinking this Halloween, keep in mind that the best choice you can make is to drive sober or designate a sober driver to get you home safely. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, impaired driving is more prevalent on Halloween than almost any other night of the year. In 2012, 48% of all motor vehicle traffic fatalities on Halloween night involved a drunk driver. That’s a lot of preventable deaths and many more preventable injuries.

  • If you have been drinking, take a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, or use public transportation.
  • Walking impaired can be just as dangerous as driving intoxicated. Designate a sober friend to walk you home.
  • Find out if your community has sober ride program.
  • If you see a drunk driver on the road, contact local law enforcement.