Home Blog Car Accident Reckless and Distracted Driving is the #1 Cause of Teen Death

Reckless and Distracted Driving is the #1 Cause of Teen Death

By Aline Miranda on September 14, 2016

Teen deaths resulting from reckless or distracted driving has become a major health epidemic and it is 100% PREVENTABLE. Impact Teen Drivers is a non-profit group dedicated to saving lives by educating and empowering teens to drive smarter and safer.

According to their website, “Impact’s mission is to change the culture of driving forever thereby saving lives not only in this generation of drivers, but also in all future generations of drivers.” Their teen driver education campaign, called “What Do You Consider Lethal?” helps teens tackle the issues of reckless and distracted driving. The site has some really great educational tools designed for teen drivers age 15 to 19. Get your teen drivers trained so they can lead their peers and community in stopping the #1 killer of teens in America … 100% preventable car crashes caused by reckless and distracted driving.