Home Blog Personal Injury Top 10 Mistakes People Make With Their Insurance Companies When in an Accident

Top 10 Mistakes People Make With Their Insurance Companies When in an Accident

By Aline Miranda on August 23, 2017

Being in an accident can be a traumatic experience. This can lead to unclear judgment and people making mistakes when it comes to dealing with their insurance companies. If you are involved in an accident, be sure to avoid these top 10 mistakes people make as they could cost you a lot more than you think.

Using Only an Adjuster and Not Contacting a Lawyer When Settling the Case

Not consulting a lawyer after an accident is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Insurance companies are infamous for protecting you to a minimum standard when you can be entitled to much more than you think. Contacting a San Diego car accident lawyer is the best way to ensure you receive full compensation for what you deserve when in an accident.

Not Reporting the Accident Right Away

Every insurance company requires you to report an accident whether it was big or small. Failure to do so can have some serious negative implications and penalties. For example, if the other driver involved in a car accident files a claim with their insurance company after the incident and you do not, your insurance company could deny protections to you. Always be sure to file a claim right away when an accident happens to avoid any penalties such as that.

Delaying Medical Treatment When Injured

If injured in an accident, be sure to get medical treatment right away even if your insurance company doesn’t recommend it. Failure to do so could end up with you losing a lawsuit if filed since you can be questioned on the severity of the injuries you had received.

Giving the Insurance Company a “Recorded Statement”

Insurance representatives are known for manipulating your words in recorded statements. This could severely hurt your chances to receive the compensation you deserve. These statements can be used in lawsuits so be sure to stay away from giving “recorded statements”.

Seeing Only the Insurance Companies Doctor

Seeing your personal doctor after an accident is allowed even if you might not think so. Insurance companies will make it seem like you can only see the doctors they provide but this isn’t the case. These doctors are paid by the insurance companies and have their best interests in mind when treating you. Always use the doctor you trust most when in an accident.

Lying About the Accident

Lying when involved with an accident is one of the worst things that you could do. This could destroy your case completely so no matter who you are talking to about your accident be sure to provide the full story truthfully.

Not Getting Enough Evidence at an Accident Scene

Be sure to take pictures and videos of all the cars involved in an accident as this is the best way for you to provide evidence. A lack of evidence can lead to you receiving less compensation than you really deserve so be sure to take a comfortable amount of pictures and videos.

Accepting the First Offer Given

Most people when offered a settlement think that it’d be best to just accept the first offer that is given. This is a mistake as you can be put in a bad position if it does not cover all the costs associated with the accident. Be sure to not accept the first offer given unless research has been done and you are comfortable with the amount.

Not Attaining a Police Report

Police reports at accident scenes can be used for witness statements or observations that can be used in your favor. Always ask for a Traffic Collision Report to be filled out as this could be very valuable down the road for you.

Not Disclosing Previous Injuries and Accidents

Withholding information on an injury or accident could deny you compensation when a claim is filed. In order to avoid this, be sure to disclose previous injuries or accidents even if you might not think you need to.