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2020 Scholarship Winner

By Eugene Bruno on October 5, 2021

Congratulations to our 2020 scholarship winner, Joseph Blount. Joseph, age 20, was born and raised in San Diego and currently lives in the Mid City area.

Joseph and his siblings were raised by a single mother. Financial hardship forced Joseph and his family to move frequently throughout his youth. Every move meant Joseph had to start over at a new school and this made it difficult for him to focus on his studies. He had a hard time maintaining attendance and he dropped out of school in his junior year of high school. Housing instability is the leading cause of chronic school absenteeism which puts students like Joseph at high risk of dropping out of school. Students of color are far more likely to experience housing insecurity. Bruno & Associates is happy to be able to help by awarding Joseph a $500 scholarship for a laptop computer. Now 20-years-old and with a daughter on the way, Joseph is finishing his GED and he is excited to find a career and start a family of his own. Joseph plans to join the U.S. Navy after he receives his diploma. Congratulations and we wish you much success, Joseph!