Home Chula Vista Truck Accidents Experienced and Trusted Truck Accident Law Firm

Truck Accident Attorneys in Chula Vista

If you have been injured in a truck accident, in Chula Vista or elsewhere, it is important that you secure expert legal representation as soon as possible. When your injuries and property damage have resulted from the negligence or deliberate dangerous behavior of another person or entity, you may be entitled to recover compensation, however, California law imposes a strict legal deadline – known as a statute of limitations – after which date you cannot file a lawsuit, nor recover any monetary damages.

Choosing to hire an expert Chula Vista truck accident attorney from Eugene Bruno & Associates will enable you to access the medical care you need, while ensuring that you receive full compensation in respect of your pain and suffering. As we work on a contingency fee basis, you will not pay us until we win a successful outcome on your behalf.

To learn more about how our Chula Vista auto accident lawyers could help, call us now on 888-278-6688 for a free consultation.

Common Causes of Chula Vista Truck Accidents

Chula Vista, as part of San Diego County, is located close to some of the busiest highways and freeways in California. Numerous commercial vehicle use these roads on a daily basis, as they transport heavy loads across California and, perhaps, to and from Mexico. With these trucks weighing up to 80,000lb when fully loaded – equivalent to around 16 standard cars or SUVs – the consequences of a collision can be devastating. As experienced Chula Vista truck accident attorneys, we know all too well just how catastrophic a wreck involving a large commercial vehicle can be.

As with other types of traffic accident, there are countless reasons why a truck accident may occur, with some of the most common including:

  • Unscrupulous trucking firms incentivizing their drivers to deliver ahead of schedule, essentially paying their employees more to skip their mandatory rest breaks. When a truck driver is tired, their reflexes will be compromised. While driving a vehicle that is heavy, cumbersome, and requires a lengthy stopping distance, fatigue can be fatal
  • Trucks can often require two lanes in order to turn. When a truck driver fails to adequately check their surroundings before committing to this maneuver, nearby motorists can be seriously injured
  • Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI). It is important to be aware that legal drugs, prescribed by your physician, may impair your judgement and reactions as much as illegal drugs can
  • Driving at excessive speeds
  • Distracted driving, which can be caused by using a cellphone, adjusting the truck radio or GPS, or eating or drinking while behind the wheel

Regardless of how your accident occurred, our Chula Vista truck accident attorneys will work tirelessly to recover the compensation you are entitled to.

Injured in a Chula Vista Truck Accident? Hire an Expert Attorney Today

At Eugene Bruno & Associates, our lawyers have over 45 years of combined experience in successfully representing accident victims.

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