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Telematics: The Future of Car Insurance?

By Aline Miranda on July 14, 2014

Never heard of telematics? Just wait, you will. Telematics, or usage based insurance, is the newest trend in auto insurance. Telematics will provide your auto insurance company with real time driving information: how fast you drive, how hard you brake, how much you drive, the time of day you do most of your driving, etc. These factors have been shown to be far more predictive of insurance claims rates than the factors generally used by most car insurance companies now. that is gender, age, where you live, the type of car you drive and your credit rating.

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Shopping Around for Car Insurance?

By Aline Miranda on March 1, 2011

California wants to help consumers shop around for the best rates on their personal auto insurance policy. That is why California law requires insurance companies to maintain either a toll-free telephone number or Web address where consumers can obtain a free rate quote or be referred to an insurance agent/broker. The following is a list of California-admitted insurance companies compiled by the California Dept. of Insurance.

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Posted in: Car Accident
