Home Blog Car Accident The Deck is Stacked in Favor of the Big Insurance Companies: Learn How to Unstack It

The Deck is Stacked in Favor of the Big Insurance Companies: Learn How to Unstack It

By Aline Miranda on January 7, 2011

Forget what you may have heard about insurance companies being “good neighbors” or being in “good hands.” Insurance companies are in the business of making money. Their business is to collect as much money as they can in premiums and pay as little money as possible for claims. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, don’t expect the big insurance companies to look out for your best interest. Your best interest is incompatible with their drive for higher profit.

In the pursuit of higher profits, insurance companies have learned its cheaper to fight a claim rather than try to resolve it fairly. So they fight. It doesn’t matter how legitimately injured you are. They will fight your claim. It doesn’t matter that the insurance company says its going to take responsibility or promises to treat you fairly. They will fight your claim. These big insurance companies will fight to keep more money in their pockets rather than put it in yours where it belongs.

Once you understand that, your strategy should be to protect yourself. Right from the beginning, learn as much as you can about the insurance claims process. If you never had to file an injury claim before and you don’t know the rules, the time to learn them is before the big insurance companies take advantage of you.

Do you know the real reason the insurance company wants to interview you about your accident? Do you know why they want to tape record it? It’s not to find out what happened in the accident because the other driver already told them that. It’s not to find out about your injuries either, because your doctor will tell them that. No, the reason is to get you to say something that they can use against you in order to settle your claim for less than its worth or to deny your claim entirely. To illustrate: The insurance company representative may characterize your injuries as minor when they are not. Unless you object to their question, it may appear that you agree with this characterization. Carefully evaluate whether giving a recorded statement is in your best interest. If you’re not sure, call someone who is sure. Call my office anytime at 1-888-BRUNO-88 (1-888-278-6688) for a free consultation.